Yunisys Communication Solution for Highways&Toll Stations

Toll booths are becoming increasingly automated and unmanned. If the barrier fails to rise, drivers need to be able to summon assistance without delay. Roadside Emergency Help Points are a common and expected sight along our highways. In addition, emergency calls in the tunnel cannot be ignored.

Yunisys solution aims to achieve fast and accurate communication between highway management departments and between management departments and vehicles through the broadcast intercom system.


Integration of voice, video, alarm monitoring and control functions are essential to enable the Control Room operator to manage the situation in and around the tunnel efficiently.

–HD voice intelligibility regardless of traffic noise by intercom.

–Through the dispatch station management console, highway zone broadcasting, shouting broadcasts, and emergency broadcasts are realized.

–Multiple terminal equipment linkage ensures the safety of highway traffic.


Install SOS emergency call stations at regular distance intervals.

Toll Stations

Each booth is equipped with its own Intercom station so that staff are able to communicate with each other and with the control center.


Instant assistance for toll machine users, even if tollbooths are unattended.

Network Topology Diagram

The Yunisys highway IP broadcast intercom solution applies integrated communication command technology to daily management of highways to realize intelligent operation of highways. Through the integration with highway toll booth intercom, emergency help, emergency broadcast, monitoring, and office communication systems, it helps the high-speed industry maximize management efficiency and economic benefits.

All-in-one Solution

Instead of purchasing additional separate phone, intercom, and paging system, Yunisys solution offers it all with market-leading unified communications.

Seamless Integration

With Yunisys solution, the existing stations can be easily upgraded, and the existing cabling can be used. All equipment can be used in the resistant against vandalism and rough ambient conditions (water, dirt, dust).

Related Products

  • Toll Stations
  • Toll Monitoring Center
  • Highway
  • Tunnel
  • SIP Intercom



    Safety Alerts and Warnings: The broadcast intercom system provides real-time traffic and road condition updates to drivers, including traffic congestions, accident warnings, weather conditions, etc., helping them make informed decisions and enhance driving safety.

    Emergency Response: In emergency situations such as vehicle breakdowns or accidents, the broadcast system can provide necessary instructions and information to drivers, such as guiding them on how to safely pull over and contact emergency services, thereby enhancing safety during emergencies.

    Enhanced Driving Experience: By providing traffic information updates and real-time road condition data, drivers can more effectively plan routes, avoid congestions, and delays, thereby improving driving efficiency and experience.

    2-Toll Booth Staffs

    Traffic Information Updates: The broadcast intercom system provides toll booth attendants with real-time information on traffic conditions and road status, helping them better plan and manage toll booth traffic flow to reduce congestion.

    Emergency Situation Response: During emergencies, the broadcast system can be used to provide toll booth attendants with necessary instructions and information, such as how to handle traffic accidents or road faults, assisting them in effectively responding to emergencies.


    Traffic Management and Control: The broadcast intercom system serves as a communication tool for managers to communicate with on-site personnel, helping them manage traffic flow, respond to emergencies, and implement traffic management measures more effectively.

    Safety Monitoring: Through the broadcast intercom system, managers can monitor road conditions and traffic flow in real-time, and promptly respond to any safety risks or emergencies, thereby enhancing overall safety.

    Maintenance and Upkeep: The broadcast intercom system can be used to provide managers with information on road maintenance and upkeep, helping them carry out maintenance and upkeep work promptly, and maintaining road facilities in good condition.